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© ayobamigee

I’ve come to realize that there’s actually No Tomorrow. Today is the tomorrow you said yesterday. And we often say that your tomorrow is your future. The question is what’s future? Future is The time ahead; those moments yet to be experienced. But I think this definition is misunderstood by many. The future is actually a minutes to now!
Meaning, the next minute is actually the future. The reason why some never get fulfillment is because they have so much expectations for the future but won’t take a step until they’ve everything they want i.e resources, money and fame.

But do we really get what we want when need them? (Perhaps our wants and needs are not the same; your want is your desire, just like economist said “our wants are unlimited, we can’t be satisfied”. Our needs are the most vital things. They are very important resources to our lives everyday. You don’t desire(want) to eat ‘food’, you need to eat ‘food’, even when you don’t feel like just because you need to. When an hungry man needs food and he doesn’t get, that’s when he becomes angry. i.e. some youths blaming the president because they’re hungry. You desire to be rich but you need money). Do we get everything we want when we really need them? Obviously No.

Luckily for some people, they get almost everything but there’ll still be a ‘lack’, they might probably lack the knowledge of how to use what they have and obviously mismanage ‘everything’. Now is the Future!

You don’t need to have everything before you take that step.

Amazingly that step might launch you into greatness. When you believe in God, you can never lack; everything is yours (tho you need to ask).
Be Courageous! Endure now so that you can enjoy tomorrow. I’d always tell my friends “if tomorrow is bright and today you’ve not seen a candle light, it is not yet a bright future”. Whatever you want to become tomorrow, become it now! Now is the future, stop expecting and waiting for something that’d never come.
So many are anxious about the future they can’t see. You have two eyes but you can’t see. I mean your foresight are weak! Don’t trade your dreams and visions for peanuts.

Note: If you must feature in the future, you need to PREPARE. Every Minutes of your live either make profit for you or loss. It either leave you in gain or in pain. .

Choose to prepare for the future! It necessary! Run away from Future Enemies, they’re destiny destroyers. BELIEVE IN GOD AND IN YOURSELF!

Stay Inspired Everyday!
